About Us
"People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things."
- Edmund Hillary
An Ordinary Mom
I did not set out to start a sock company.
In 2016, I was a first time mom who just received a "Tethered Cord" diagnosis for her new baby. My son was 7 months old and his spinal cord was tethered to a lipoma at the base of his spine so tightly that it had paralyzed his lower left leg and was starting to affect other parts of his body. He was scheduled for surgery in what felt like a blur, but as anyone knows with medically complex children, our story doesn’t end there. We would go on to meet with a team of doctors, surgeons and therapists on an ongoing basis. It became our new normal.
Our son took his first unassisted steps at 18 months old. He worked so hard for those steps. With hip dysplasia and foot drop, it was time to be evaluated for orthotics. While I was so grateful for advances in science that create these braces to allow for better mobility, I was disappointed with the supporting accessories that were available.
The great sock quest
Something that should have been easy, finding small, knee high socks…wasn’t. Nothing fit right. Socks would wrinkle and fall down into the brace, rub against his skin and create hot spots and blisters. Some options were made of fabrics that got so smelly, it was like I suddenly had a teenager! Having tried nearly a dozen styles of socks that just didn’t work, I was beyond frustrated.
One day, I was venting to my husband, Christian, about my frustrations with finding the right socks. To my surprise, he suggested I start my own sock company! Was he serious? I was 36 years old. I made a living as a digital project manager, I didn’t know anything about manufacturing. Yet, despite my lack of experience, I was now determined to find a solution to this problem faced by many families.
Right place, right time…for something extraordinary
I wish I could say that I had a fancy team of designers. I wish I could say that I had a large staff and big investors…..but it was just our little family. We learned the technical, the creative and the financial bits and pieces. Together, my husband, myself, and our two year old son tested and refined prototypes until we found the perfect design to bring this vision to life.
And now…
There are thousands of children who have taken their first steps in our socks. They have recovered from surgeries, and undergone therapy after therapy in our socks. Our socks make their orthotics more comfortable, stop blisters and keep their tiny feet drier and less stinky. (All parents appreciate that!) We have shipped our socks to every state in the US and to a few provinces in Canada. Last year we rolled out colors and patterns and continue to expand in sizing.
I may not have set out to start a sock company, but in 2018 I found my purpose in Woodle & Company and I am so proud of what my family and I have built. We find absolute joy in the opportunity to help families, just like us, who are tackling medical complexities with their most precious members. Life might be complicated, but it's our firm belief that socks don't have to be.